
The Blog Is Back....Again!

As I'm sure all three of my loyal followers have noticed, I haven't created a new blog entry for about four or five months.  It is apparently high time I start up the blog again (I know this because I was told by my professor who gave us the assignment to have a blog this semester).  The good news: my readership should increase dramatically due to the other students in my class who may or may not be required to read it.  The bad news: I have to get back to searching for things to blog about.  The silver lining to that cloud, of course, is the fact that this blog covers a large variety of topics.  The touch of gray, of course, is that virtually none of my new readers are likely to care at all about many of those topics.

You can see I'm torn as to how I should proceed.  The answer, I suppose, is to proceed the same way I always have: I shall post about topics that most people don't care about at the risk of boring (and thus pushing away) my audience.  I hope at least a few of you enjoy.  First real entry to come this evening.  Stay tuned!


  1. I do not know exactly what you will talk about but it sounds interesting. After looking at your previous posts I have one question: How did you get the Carlos Santana thing right? I mean I know he wont win ROY now but he was not even supposed to start at catcher for the Tribe this year, let alone have the first half he had

  2. Yeah...but anyone who follows the minors much knew he was gonna be a stud. Thank goodness for fantasy baseball!
